Product: Download Pattern Construction Children: Grading Children’s Clothing
Download Pattern Construction Children: Grading Children’s Clothing
Instructions for grading children's clothing

Bib top pinafore dresses for girls


Vier Kindermodelle für Latzrock und Kleider sind abgebildet. (Photo Credit: A. Wenzel)


Cargo designs for little girls are not only very practical but also very cool. With the trendy dresses, pinafore dresses and hooded jacket, the little ones are ready for trips into the whole wide world. Child-friendly design and well thought-through pattern solutions guarantee optimum wearing comfort with plenty of range of movement. Playful applications, creative details sweeten up the look, many pockets in cargo look ensure functionality and thus meet children’s needs. These models can be worn in combination with long-sleeved and short-sleeved shirts almost regardless of any season. Practical, high-quality constructed children’s clothing for playground, forest and meadow – and lots of fun, too!

This article is an excerpt from our technical book „KOB Schnittkonstruktionen“.  In this book you will find, among many other pattern constructions, the basic pattern for the loose fitting sack dress in size 104.

Bib top pinafore skirt – in size 104

Template: basic sack dress pattern in size 104

Technische Zeichnung Latzrock in Größe 104 für Kinder


Front and back part:

Die Schnittkonstruktion eines Latzrockes für Kinder Größe 104 ist zu sehen.

The template for the sack dress in size 104 serves as a pattern. Drop the armhole 4 cm at the side seam. Indicate the top of  the bib at 4.5 cm down from center front at neck. Set the half bib width to 8 cm. Trace the back section and line up the pattern along the front shoulder seam.

Determine the strap width to 2.5 cm. Draw the straps from bib to shoulder and continue straight to center back. Draw the straps and bib as shown in the drawing. Draw in waistband and hem facing. Design cargo pocket and patch pocket with latch according to template. The dress is constructed with a elastic band at the back waistband and at the straps. Indicate button positions.


Finished pattern pieces:

Fertige Schnittteile des Latzrockes.

Separate all pattern pieces from each other. Trace patch pockets, flaps, latch and straps. Cut the cargo pocket and spread the pattern to create the pleat. Extend the straps and construct using the elastic at the back. The extra length depends on your desire and material used.

Assemble the back waistband partially with elastic band. The elastic straps and the elastic at waistband provide additional wearing comfort and a variable fit. Mark the distance to be basted and eased in. Even out all seams and transitions. Specify the grainline.

Dress with cap sleeves – size 104

Template: basic sack dress pattern size 104

Technische Zeichnung eines Kleides mit Kappenärmel in Größe 104 für Kinderbekleidung

Front and back part:

Die Abbildung zeigt eine Konstruktion für ein Kleid für Mädchen in der Größe 104.

The template for the sack dress in size 104 serves as a pattern. Drop the armhole 4 cm at the side seam.. Draw in the side seam straight from the hem to the recessed armhole. Enlarge the neckline by 1.5 cm at the shoulder and 2 cm at each, center front and center back. Redraw the neckline in the front and back. Determine the shoulder width at 4 cm. Mark the front bib width at 7.5 cm and 8 cm above the waist,  draw it in to the shoulder.

Draft in the style lines and take in each by 1 cm for a more fitted look at waist. Draw in the recessed armhole. Extend the shoulder seam for the cap sleeves along the shoulder seamline. Indicate sleeve length with 6 cm. Set the sleeve beginning 4 cm above the Bu-line, adjust the sleeve hem and draw in the sleeve perpendicular to the hem. Design patch pockets according to template. Draw in the slit overlap and underlap at the side seam. Specify button positions. Draw in hem facing.


Finished pattern pieces:

Zu sehen sind die fertigen Schnittteile des Kleides mit Kappenärmel für Kinder

Separate all pattern pieces from each other. Trace patch pockets and flap. Cut the cargo pocket and spread the pattern to create the pleat. Mirror the cut-on flap on the patch pocket. Cut the crease at the slit overlap. Level out all seams. Indicate grainline. Apply the zipper to the center back.


Strap skirt – in size 104

Template: Basic child sack dress pattern in size 104

Zeigt die technische Zeichung eines Trägerrockes. Diese Zeichnung dient als Vorlage für die Schnittkonstruktion.



Strap dress – in size 104

Template: Basic cut child hanger size 104

Zeigt die technische Zeichung eines Trägerkleides. Diese Zeichnung dient als Vorlage für die Schnittkonstruktion.



Kids jacket with hood – size 110

Zeigt die technische Zeichung einer Kinderjacke. Diese Zeichnung dient als Vorlage für die Schnittkonstruktion.

Pattern blouson jacket for children

The pattern sheet contains two blouson jackets for children in sizes 98-140.

22,00 €
28,00 €

You will find many more pattern instructions and patterns for sewing children’s clothing in our online shop.

Product: Download Pattern Construction Children: Baby Clothes
Download Pattern Construction Children: Baby Clothes
In this E-Dossier you will find instructions for the pattern construction of baby clothes

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