Product: M. Müller & Sohn - Schnittmuster - DOB - Mieder & Korsagen 1
M. Müller & Sohn - Schnittmuster - DOB - Mieder & Korsagen 1
In European Sizes 36 – 50. Printed pattern sheet or PDF download (depending on purchasing option).

Corsage Top with Cut Draping

Inspiration Runway: Badgley Mischka and Chakra

Long live femininity! Corsages, corsets and wide waist belts are trendy again and put the waist perfectly in scene. How to set up a cut draping for a corsage you can learn here.

Das Foto zeigt ein drapiertes Corsage Oberteil an einer Büste inklusive technische Zeichnung.


You can find the complete article in the Damen-Rundschau 1.2013. The issue is available as PDF from our customer service:



Front and Back Pattern:

Die Abbildung zeigt die Schnittkonstruktion eines drapierten Corsage Oberteils.

Use tight-fitting dress pattern in size 40 with the specified measurements as a template. Mark the front and back dart intake as shown in the illustration. Draw the length and the corsage neckline according to the illustration. Plot the seamline 6-7 cm below the bust point and contour the front waist dart under the bust 0.5 cm each side. Draw a second dart with 1.5 cm intake and mark both front darts as pinching amounts. Mark additional pinching amounts from the armhole and from the second dart to the bust point. Mark the cutting lines for the draping as shown in the illustration.





Finished Pattern Pieces:

Die Abbildung zeigt die fertigen Schnittteile eines drapierten Corsage Oberteils.

The drawing shows the finished pattern pieces. Double and mirror the front piece. Mark points A, B, E, F, G, H and S. Mark the grainline.


Sewing / Front Panel:

Cut out all pieces twice (2 right and 2 left front pieces) if the fabric is suitable. Sew and turn the front pieces as follows: First close the centre front seamlines at the front pieces separately and press the seam allowances open. Then sew the front pieces together from S to A and E to F. Turn so that the right side of the fabric is outside. Sew the bust seamlines of the right front panel individually, matching E-F and G-H. Press the seam allowances open and turn. Pull the left cup piece through the opening F-E (crossed). Last close the left bust seamlines.

Product: Schnittmuster DOB Tanzkleider - Standardtanz
Schnittmuster DOB Tanzkleider - Standardtanz
In European Sizes 36-46

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