Product: Pattern Dress Coat Trousers
Pattern Dress Coat Trousers
Sizes 46 to 56.

Cutting Technique for a Capri Pants


(Photo Credit: Drawing E. Kreienbühl)


You can find the full article in the Rundschau for women 6.2011. More pants-pattern also in our book: Metric Patternmaking for Skirts & Trousers.



Front and Back Pattern

Die Schnitttechnik für eine Caprihose ist zu sehen.

Use a standard pants pattern with darts in size 40 (see measurement chart) as a foundation. Draw the new hemline 22 cm below the kneeline. Taper the outseam and inseam 1 cm at the knee and hemline. Draw the new outseam and inseam up to the crotch line. Take away half of the back dart intake each at the outseam and at the centre back.

Draw the new centre back and the back outseam. Plot the new back waistline. Draw the hem band 5 cm wide. Plot the front styleline 2 cm away from the front creaseline. Relocate the front dart intake to the front styleline and the outseam. Draw the double-welt pocket centered on the front pattern. Plot the waistband according to ½ waist girth measurement.


Finished Pattern Pieces

Die fertigen Schnittteile einer Caprihose ist zu sehen.

Separate all pattern pieces. Mirror the waistband. Join the hem band pieces together at the outseam. Mark the zipper at the left outseam. Blend all seam lines. Mark the grainlines.


Product: Download Pattern Construction Women: Cross Country Skiing Suit
Download Pattern Construction Women: Cross Country Skiing Suit
In this E-Dossier you will find an instruction for the pattern making of a cross country skiing suit.

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