Product: Download Pattern Making Men Cycling – Part 1
Download Pattern Making Men Cycling – Part 1
Instructions on the pattern construction of three different cycling pants for men

Dart and Seam Variations for Dresses

Dresses with dart manipulations
Inspiration Runway: Dresses with dart manipulation at Wickstead and Dolce & Gabbana.

This article shows how darts can be manipulated or removed with the help of panel seams. All options are based on the basic dress block, but it also works with additional width.

You can find the full instruction in the e-dossier Pattern Making Darts and Seam Variations for Dresses.

PDF Download: Download Pattern Construction Women: Darts and Seam Variations for Dresses
15,80 €

Variation 1

Template: Basic Dress Block


Modellzeichnung Kleid mit Abnäher Varianten(Photo Credit: Technical drawing N. Kühner)


Dresses with dart manipulations
Inspiration Runway: Dresses with dart manipulation at Bettega Veneta and Hermes. (Photo Credit:

Closing Amounts and Design Development

Die Schnitttechnik von einem Oberteil ist zu sehen. Dort wurden die Abnäher verlegt.

1 Mark the finished length 50 cm below the waist. Draw a vertical line from the front armhole notch to the hipline. Transfer the front waist
dart intake to this line and measure the amount to the left. Cut through the front pattern from the side seam along the hipline and the waistline.
Draw a line from 2 cm above the front armhole notch to the bust point. Draw a horizontal line from the bust point to the centre front.

2 Cut and close the intake at the waist and blend the sideseam. Taper the side seam 1 cm at the hem. Open the armhole 1 cm and relocate the
remaining bust dart intake temporarily to the centre front. Lower the neckline 1 cm at the shoulder and at the centre front. Lengthen the shoulder 8 cm and square down 1.5 cm. Lower the armhole 3 cm.



Dart Manipulation and Completion

Die Schnitttechnik von einem Oberteil ist zu sehen. Dort wurden die Abnäher verlegt.

3 Rotate the bust dart back to the shoulder. Extend the horizontal cutting line from the bust point 4 cm to the right. Draw the dart legs to the extended line. Mark the halfway point between the centre front and the bust point. Measure 11.5 cm from the overarm seam along the sleeve hem. Divide the front neckline in four equal parts. Draw three cutting lines for the neckline darts as shown in the Illustration.

4 Close the bust dart and open the cutting lines 2 cm each. Remove the extra length at the neckline. Shorten the darts 2 cm.



Finished Pattern Pieces

5 Copy all pattern pieces. Draw the dart hoods. Mark the grainline.





Variation 2

Template: Basic Dress Block


Modellzeichnung Kleid mit Abnäher Varianten(Photo Credit: Technical drawing N. Kühner)



Variation 3

Template: Basic Dress Block


(Photo Credit: Technical drawing N. Kühner)




Variation 4

Template: Basic Dress Block


Modellzeichnung Kleid mit Abnäher Varianten(Photo Credit: Technical drawing N. Kühner)




Variation 5

Template: Basic Dress Block


Modellzeichnung Kleid mit Abnäher Varianten(Photo Credit: Technical drawing N. Kühner)
Pattern Basic Dress Blocks for Women

In European Sizes 36 – 50

22,00 €
28,00 €
Delivery Time: 2-3 Werktage

You can find many more instructions on pattern construction and patterns for sewing women’s clothing in our online shop.

Product: Download M. Müller & Sohn - Book - Women - Metric Pattern Making - Dresses and Blouses
Download M. Müller & Sohn - Book - Women - Metric Pattern Making - Dresses and Blouses
Download: Metric Patternmaking for Dresses & Blouses

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