Product: M. Müller & Sohn 2023-07/08 (englische Übersetzung)
M. Müller & Sohn 2023-07/08 (englische Übersetzung)
Fachmagazin für Mode und Schnitt-Technik // Latzhosen & Saumabschlüsse // Moderne Sakkos // Krawatte nähen // Stimmen aus der Branche // Schnittmuster Lange Trenchcoats

Equitation – Riding Apparel

Reitsportbekleidung Schnitttechnik nähen(Photo Credit: © Rundschau Verlag)

Equestrian clothing does not only have to be comfortable, fitting and appropriate. The fashion-conscious rider more and more sets high value on chic appearance of both, herself and her horses.

Olympic equestrian disciplines are dressage, jumping and eventing. In addition there is Western riding and recreational riding. When riding you should always wear close fitting attire for the instructor is able to evaluate and observe the riders posture. The tops should not be too long in order to not bother during the ride. Functional clothing are becoming increasingly popular for they allow the skin to breath and transport moisture to the outside. Thus, the rider sweats less yet the clothes still keep warm and dry.

The tournament attire consists of a tournament jacket, breeches, a tournament blouse / a competition shirt, boots, riding helmet and accessories. Certain rules apply for equestrian tournaments based on  the performance exam order (Leistungs-Prüfungs-Ordnung – LPO) and should be requested before each exam.

Pattern Riding Clothing

Riding jacket and breeches in sizes 36 to 46

22,00 €
28,00 €

Tournament Jacket

The jacket is usually black,    other colors in dark blue and anthracite are also accepted to some extend. Ideal is a length reaching down to the end of the saddle. The jacket features two vents in the back to accommodate the width riding saddle. The collar may be made of velvet. The look is classic.


The most important criteria is a good fit, no wrinkles at knees and crotch area so the breeches do not rub. Tournament breeches should be white, beige breeches are only tolerated in the lower tournament classes. One differentiates between breeches and a jodhpurse. For tournaments only breeches are accepted and required. Breathable functional fabrics, microfibre and cotton blends suit best.

Tournament Blouse / Tournament Shirt

Important feature for this model is the stand-up collar. As in fabrics used, functional jersey or cotton blends are prefered.

Riding Helmet

The riding helmet is an indispensable utensil in equitation. Important here is a three- or four-point attachment. In some tournaments top hats are the required headgear.


These accessories complete the tournament outfit: tie / ascot, hair accessories / hair net and riding gloves.

Tournament Clothing for Jumping

The tournament jacket is a bit shorter for show jumping than for dressage. The tournament clothes can sometimes a bit more “colorful”, e. g. red jackets or other colors are permitted.

Recreational Riding Attire

For training and pleasure more and more attention is paid on functional fabrics and garment cut. The clothes need to be comfortable, functional and semi fitted.

Western Riding

The attire for Western riding is completely different. As show apparel considered are Cowboy boots, hat, jeans and a blouses with appropriate style elements. Also available are riding jeans.


Instruction on the pattern construction for different types of equitation apparel you can find in the E-Dossiers Pattern Making Equestrian Apparel – Part 1+2

PDF Download: Patternmaking Equestrian Apparel - Part 1

Pattern instructions for six different models of dressage equestrian apparel.

15,80 €
PDF Download: Pattern Construction Equestrian Apparel - Part 2

pattern instructions for six different models of equestrian apparel for show jumping and equestrian sport riding.

15,80 €


Product: Download Pattern Construction Women: Denim Jackets
Download Pattern Construction Women: Denim Jackets
Instructions for the pattern construction of four different denim jackets.

2 Comments for this article

  1. Hello, these look great! I am also looking for a similar product that covers Western Riding clothing, and was wondering if that might be something you offer (or if there’s one in the works)?


    Reply to this comment
    1. Hi Kellye,
      thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, we don’t have any content on Western Riding clothing available right now. We will add your request to our list, but please note that there is currently a higher demand for other topics.
      Best regards
      M. Müller & Sohn Team

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