Product: Download Book Men Fundamentals Menswear
Download Book Men Fundamentals Menswear
Download: Fundamentals Menswear

Overalls Pattern

Jumpsuits on the Runway
Inspiration Runway: Jumpsuits by LaPointe, Tom Ford, Mabille, Jason Wu and Philosophy.

Jump in, pull up, ready – a overall, or jumpsuit, is quickly put on and is now one of the most popular fashion classics.



Where did the jumpsuit come from?

How the overall became a trend and what you always wanted to know about this all-rounder you can find out here. The blue overalls were invented between 1891 and 1916 in the USA. At that time only men wore it. This changed during the First World War when women also put on the one-piece suits during factory work. In the beginning, the overall was made of jeans and had a button facing or a zipper for easy access. The step into the world of fashion was only made a few decades later, when the fabric, colour and cut changed thanks to a wide range of design possibilities. In the 70s the jumpsuit became socially acceptable. In the early 80s, dance films such as Saturday Night Fever or Flash Dance helped it to become a popular disco outfit. According to the Duden dictionary, a jumpsuit is a one-piece suit that covers the entire body and is worn especially for protection during certain jobs. That’s right, because it was originally designed for this purpose by Levi Strauss and Henry David Lee.

Pattern Overalls

Two overalls in sizes 36 - 46.

22,00 €
28,00 €

His long arms and legs covered the body “over all”, i.e. everywhere, and protected workers from work-related injuries and dirt at the beginning of the 20th century. Women and men now wore the blue overalls made of corduroy, jeans and stretchy fabrics – gaudy, colourful and with wide trouser legs and danced in this look to ABBA & Co. In the middle of the 90s the dungarees replaced it. The jumpsuit fell into oblivion. It was not until 2009 that overalls reappeared as chic fashion highlights on catwalks in Paris, Milan and New York. Designers reinterpreted the one-piece suit: instead of being worn in factories, jumpsuits can now be seen on the beach, at parties or in the office. The classic adapted to the zeitgeist. Today overalls and jumpsuits are among the must-haves of the fashion world and it is impossible to imagine the world without them. The one-piece suit shows its versatility especially this season.

Jumpsuits on the Runway
Inspiration Runway: Jumpsuits bei Philosophy, Brock, Hilfiger und Ferragamo.

Overview Pattern Overall

The pattern overalls contains two chic one-piece suits in sizes 36 to 46. You can get an insight into the models of this pattern by checking the technical drawing, the detailed description and the size chart. We also suggest suitable fabrics. The calculation of the fabric consumption helps you to find a suitable material.

Overall 1

Die Vorder- und Rückansicht der technische Zeichnung eines Overalls ist zu sehen. Diesen Schnitt findet man auf einem Schnittmusterbogen.(Photo Credit: Technical Drawing S. Lindner)


Details of the Overall

  • slim fit
  • waisted
  • long trouser legs with dividing seams
  • short sleeves
  • rounded side pocket
  • zipper in the centre back


Size Chart

The photo shows the size chart of the overall pattern on the pattern sheet.

Pattern Pieces

The photo shows the pattern pieces of a jumpsuit. The pattern is available on the pattern sheet.


Fabric Consumption in m

(at a fabric width of 1,40 m)

  • Size 36:     1,60 m
  • Size 38:     1,60 m
  • Size 40:     1,70 m
  • Size 42:     1,70 m
  • Size 44:     1,70 m
  • Size 46:     1,80 m

The fabric consumption is only calculated for the shown pattern pieces.




Overall 2

Die Vorder- und Rückansicht der technische Zeichnung eines Overalls ist zu sehen. Diesen Schnitt findet man auf einem Schnittmusterbogen.(Photo Credit: Technical Drawing S. Lindner)

Details of the Overall

  • summery
  • waisted
  • wide trouser legs 3/4-length
  • off-shoulder raglan-sleeve with cutouts
  • rounded side pocket
  • zipper in the centre back


Size Chart

The photo shows the size chart of the overall pattern on the pattern sheet.

Pattern Pieces

The photo shows the pattern pieces of a jumpsuit. The pattern is available on the pattern sheet.


Fabric Consumption in m

(at a fabric width of 1,40 m)

  • Size 36:     1,30 m
  • Size 38:     1,50 m
  • Size 40:     1,50 m
  • Size 42:     1,60 m
  • Size 44:     1,60 m
  • Size 46:     1,70 m

The fabric consumption is only calculated for the shown pattern pieces.

Pattern dress and jumpsuit

The pattern sheet contains a dress for the civil wedding and a one-piece suit in sizes 36-46.

22,00 €
28,00 €

You can find many more cutting instructions and finished patterns for sewing overalls and dresses in our online shop.

Product: Download Book Men Fundamentals Menswear
Download Book Men Fundamentals Menswear
Download: Fundamentals Menswear

2 Comments for this article

  1. Hi there,
    I would be really interested in buying a basic bodice, sleeve, and dress pattern that I can use make my own pattern. Please consider making one available on your website. I would definitely buy that to add to my collection of basic bodice/sleeve/dress pattern (I have one from Burda style, it would be interesting to compare yours and theirs).

    Thank you

    Reply to this comment
    1. Dear Udee,
      we have some different pattern sheets with dresses with and without sleeves. There is a pattern sheet with bodices, too. I can also recommend the book `Metric Patternmaking for Dresses and Blouses`. Pattern making according to your measurements is explained step by step. Links below. Kind regards!

      Pattern Sheets for Womens Waer:
      Bodice Pattern Sheet:
      Metric Patternmaking for Dresses and Blouses:

      Reply to this comment

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