Product: Download Pattern Construction Children: Baby Clothes
Download Pattern Construction Children: Baby Clothes
In this E-Dossier you will find instructions for the pattern construction of baby clothes

Pattern Construction for Baby Basics

(Photo Credit: Technical Drawing S. David)


Pattern drafting for baby wear up to 2 years requires some experience. This includes material selection and fullness for diapers as well as comfortable garment openings that make undressing easier. Infants have different proportions than schoolchildren, a babies’ head is one-fifth the size of the Body.

You find the complete pattern constructions in the e-dossier Pattern Making Baby Clothes or in issue Rundschau for women 12.2014. You can order this issue with an english translation of the pattern making part thru our customer service:

PDF Download: Pattern Making Baby Clothes

In this E-Dossier you will find instructions for the pattern construction of baby clothes

15,80 €

Long Sleeve Body

Technische Zeichnung von einem Unterhemd und Unterhose für die Größe 74 für Kinder(Photo Credit: Technical Drawing S. David)


Front and Back Pattern

Schnittkonstruktion Langarmbody für Kinder in Größe 74 Vorder- und Rückansicht

Use the basic body block in size 74 as a template. Since the head size of a baby in proportion to the neck size is much larger than the adult head, the neckline needs an extra opening for the head to pass through. There are several variations for the neckline closure. Often you can see bodies with snap placket at the shoulder.

To avoid pressure and friction for delicate and sensitive skin, the overlapping shoulder is a simple and convenient variant, which provides enough width for the head. Draw the new shoulder seam as shown in the illustration and mirror it over the shoulder on the front and back pattern.



Finished Pattern Pieces

Fertige Schnittteile Langarmbody für Kinder Größe 74

Figure 2 shows the finished pattern pieces.




Wrap Body

Technische Zeichnungen Wickelbody für Babys in Größe 50



Front and Back PatternSchnittkonstruktion Wickelbody Vorder-und Rückenteil Größe 50 für Kinder.

Draft the basic front and back pattern as shown for the body block in size 74 but according to the measurements of size 50 (see measurement chart). The armhole is drafted but the calculations of the sleeve measurements are not necessary. The wrap body is designed with short batwing sleeves.

The body is constructed with a wrap closure, which is particularly convenient for handling newborns. In the first few weeks, the head should be lifted very gently and always supported. A body that must be pulled over the head is not suitable for a newborn. The wrap body can be easily opened and closed without lifting the head.



Batwing Sleeve

Lengthen the shoulder seam 6 cm and square down. Mark the sleeve hem 7.5 cm wide and measure 0.5 cm to the left. Draw the sleeve hem slightly curved. Lower the armhole 1 cm and draw the curved sleeve seam.



Front Pattern and Finished Pattern Pieces

Vorderteil Wickelbody Gr. 50 Schnittkonstruktion und Fertige Schnittteiel

Trace a copy of the front pattern and mirror it over the centre front. Draw the neckline and the overlap for the wrap front. Mark the snap fasteners. Tie the overlap with a bow sewn from the binding. The right picture shows the finished pattern pieces.




Romper Sack for the Car

Technische Zeichnung eines Stramplers für´s Auto in Größe




Sleeping Bag

Technische Zeichnung Babyschlafsack in Größe 68




Swaddling Sack

Technische Zeichnung Babywickelsack



Undershirt and Underpants

Technische Zeichnung von einem Unterhemd und Unterhose für die Größe 86 für Kinder
Pattern Baby Clothing

In European Sizes 50 – 86

22,00 €
28,00 €
Delivery Time: 2-3 Werktage

Further instructions for pattern construction and finished patterns for sewing kids and baby clothes can be found in our online shop.

Product: Download Book Men Fundamentals Menswear
Download Book Men Fundamentals Menswear
Download: Fundamentals Menswear

6 Comments for this article

  1. Would you please tell me where i can buy mueller amd sohn pattern construction for children book? Do you know any pattern construction courses online for children wear based on mueller and sohn system in english language?
    Thank you in advance

    Reply to this comment
    1. Dear Tatiana, the Book “KOB Schnittkonstruktionen” (pattern construction for children’s wear) is available in our online shop:
      So far this book is only available in german language. We do not offer online courses.

      Reply to this comment
  2. Where can I purchase the full pattern cutting book for babies and children by M and Sohn please?

    Reply to this comment
    1. Dear Gillian,
      thanks for reaching out! The book is available in our online shop:
      Unfortunately, we can only offer the German edition at the moment. Make sure you follow us on Instagram / Facebook so we can keep you posted about our new books!

      Reply to this comment
  3. Where is measurement chart?

    Reply to this comment
    1. You can find the measurement chart in the e-dossier Pattern Making Baby Clothes or in the Measurement Charts for Children´s Wear

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