Product: Download Pattern Construction Women: Equestrian Apparel 1
Download Pattern Construction Women: Equestrian Apparel 1
Pattern instructions for six different models of dressage equestrian apparel.

Pattern Construction for Ski Wear


(Photo Credit: © CATWALKPIX.COM)


Abgebildet ist die technische Zeichnung von einer Skijacke und Skihose als Vorlage für die Schnitt-Technik

New fabrics, decorative details and colorful all-over prints – the new ski wear designs are as diverse as never. Cross functionality plays an increasingly important role in ski wear. The new ski garments are not only suitable for the slopes but also for city life. 3-ply or 2-ply functional materials are recommended, lined with a warm, functional fleece such as fabrics by 3M or Primaloft.

Material mix, sportive colourful inserts, functional materials, and a comfortable cut that allows for freedom of movement on the slopes or at the après-ski – you don’t need more for a successful start into the new Season.


You find the complete article in our journal Herren-Rundschau 7/2016.




Ski Suit Jacket

Template: Basic Parka Block (available in our Book HAKA Schnittkonstruktionen Jacken)

Abgebildet ist die technische Zeichnung von einer Skijacke.


Front and Back Pattern


Gezeigt wird die Schnitt-Technik für eine Skijacke.

Mark the front yoke 9.0 cm at the neckline and 13 cm wide at the armhole. Draw the insert 3.5 cm wide at the armhole and complete the insert shape as shown in the illustration. Mark the chest pocket 11 cm below the neckline and 6 cm parallel to the centre front. Draw the chest pocket 17.5 cm long and 1 cm wide. Mark the zipper flap 2 cm wide. Mark the zipper vent at the side 20 cm long and 5.5 cm below the armhole. Half of the mesh lining is 3.5 cm wide and extends 1 cm above and below the zipper. Mark the seamline for the front storm flap 3.5 cm away from the centre front. Trim the centre front 0.5 cm for the zipper. Draw the pocket bag 19.0 cm long and 1 cm larger than the pocket entry. Trim the pocket entry 0.5 cm each side for the zipper teeth. Mark the pocket facing 4 cm wide. Draw the hem facing 4.5 cm wide.

Mark the back yoke 10.0 cm wide at the centre back and 12 cm wide at the armhole. Draw the insert 3.5 cm wide as shown in the illustration. Mark the side zipper vent the same width and length as on the front pattern. Mark the zipper vent at the side 20 cm long and 5.5 cm below the armhole. Half of the mesh lining is 3.5 cm wide and extends 1 cm above and below the zipper. Draw the hem facing 4.5 cm wide.



Finished Pattern Pieces

Gezeigt werden die fertigen Schnittteile einer Skijacke.






Ski Suit Pants

Abgebildet ist die technische Zeichnung von einer Skihose.



Front and Back Pattern

Gezeigt wird die Schnitt-Technik der Vorder- und Hinterhose für eine Skihose.

Front Pattern

Shift the sideseam of the basic pants pattern 1 cm to the front. Mark the pocket 4.0 cm below the waist and 3 cm away from the sideseam. Draw the pocket slanted to the sideseam ending 2.0 cm away from the seamline. The pocket is 19.0 cm long. The zipper is 1 cm wide. Draw the pocket bag 16.0 cm long as shown in the illustration. Mark the front zipper 18 cm long. Draw the fly facing 3.5 cm wide at the waist and 3.0 cm wide at the zipper endpoint. Mark the position of the D-ring 10.0 cm away from the centre front. The pants get a D-ring for securing the gloves during a break. The knee area is shaped for these sports pants. Curved seamlines give the necessary shaping for the knee area at the front. The extra width is taken out in the hollow of the knee:

Mark parallel lines 3.0 cm and 5.5 cm above the kneeline. Raise the upper seamline 0.5 cm and draw the curved seam. Mark parallel lines 6.0 cm and 5.5 cm below the kneeline and the curved seamline as shown. Draw the inserts as shown in the illustration. Draw the inner hem protection 16.0 cm long and 8.0 cm wide. Cut the hem protection from a durable material. Raise the hem 0.5 cm at the front and draw the hemline slightly curved. Draw the hem facing 4 cm wide. Mark the stitching line 3 cm parallel to the hem. The pants have a zipper at the sideseam for the ski boots. The zipper can be finished with or without facing. These pants are designed with a godet behind the the zipper. Mark the zipper 25.0 cm long at the sideseam. Draw the tab at the hem as shown in the Illustration.



Finished Pattern Pieces

Gezeigt werden die fertigen Schnittteile einer Skihose.





Softshell Ski Jacket

Template: Basic Parka Block with Raglan Sleeve

Abgebildet ist die technische Zeichnung von einer Skijacke.



Finished Pattern Pieces

Gezeigt werden die fertigen Schnittteile einer Ski-Softshelljacke.

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Download Book Men Fundamentals Menswear
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