Product: Download Schnittmuster DOB Negligé
Download Schnittmuster DOB Negligé
In sizes 34 – 38 – 42 and 36 – 40 – 44

Sewing Dirndl apron

Dirndlschürze nähen(Photo Credit: © CATWALKPIX.COM)

A dirndl always comes with an apron. The Dirndl apron is an essential part of the Dirndl dress. A dirndl can be combined with a new apron to get a completely new look. So it is recommended to always have several aprons and blouses with a Dirndl. Also a great idea is the reversible apron, it becomes more and more popular, because with it a new outfit can be keiert in the twinkling of an eye. In former times women wore the apron to protect the dress from dirt today it is worn only for decoration and is a great eye-catcher.

This is an excerpt from the book Oktoberfest Dirndl. You will find many more suggestions on the subject of traditional costumes as well as a pattern with dirndl blouses in the Damen-Rundschau 07/08.2019.

PDF Download: Oktoberfest Drindl is a download-product

Oktoberfest Drindl is a download-product

78,00 €

How long should the Dirndl apron be?

The usual Dirndl lengths are between 50 and 90 cm. The length of a mini-dirndl is about 50 to 60. Midi-dirndls have a skirt length of 70 cm and end about a hand’s width below the knee. The traditional Maxi-Dirndl has a length of 80 to 85 centimeters. The following applies to all rock lengths: The dirndl apron must be slightly shorter than the dirndl skirt, it ends about two to three centimetres above the hem of the skirt.

Which material is used for the dirndl skirt?

Dirndl aprons are usually made of cotton or a mixture with polyester. But silk, tulle and lace can also be used to make a noble apron. In any case, the material used should be lighter than the dirndl’s fabric, so that the apron can resonate beautifully and doesn’t press the skirt down.

How do you wear the bow on the Dirndl apron?

The Dirndl apron is bound with ribbons in a bow. Traditionally the bow has a special meaning. Depending on whether the bow is tied left, right, in the middle or in the back you can see the relationship status of the woman who wears the dirndl.

  • Right: Married
  • Left: Unmarried
  • Middle front: Virgin
  • Center back: Widow

Pattern construction for Dirndl apron

different types of dirndl apons

pattern for an apron



You only need one fabric panel of  1.40 m Width for the apron. Pleat (fig.1) or gauge (fig.2) the fabric for the finished Width at the waist of 38 cm = 1/2 of the waist girth. Mark the length 3-5 cm shorter than the skirt length. Calculate the pleats for the apron With inverted pleats (fig. 1) as follows:

Pleat distance:

1/2 waist girth = 3 8.0 cm : 20 pleats = 1.9 cm pleat distance

Pleat depth:

140 cm fabric Width minus 3 8 cm = 102 cm = remaining amount for the pleat depth  102 cm/ 20 pleats = 5.1 cm pleat depth

Cut the waistband 0n the fold With 3 cm finished Width. Cut the ties out of the same fabric or use Moire band. Sew the ties for the bow tie to the left side of the waist band.



1 x apron length for 1.40 m fabric Width plus seam allowances and hem allowance, waistband and ties.

2 x apron length for 90 cm fabric Width plus seam allowances and hem allowance, waistband and ties.

Fusible waistband interfacing Moire band 2.80 m if preferred

Lining if preferred


Cutting Pattern

The Width is 90-150 cm depending on the fabric Width. Cut one or two fabric panels 3-5 cm shorter than the skirt. The centre front is seam for the 90 cm Wide fabric.  If the fabric has a pattern is must be matched at the centre front seam. The fabric ties and waistband can be cut from the sides if necessary for the pattern. Gather the fabric With one of the following techniques:


Fold small pleats depending on fabric and preference. The pleats can be also topstitched.


Place a 7 cm Wide lining strip on the wrong side of the fabric and topstitch 4-6 rows With a long stitch from the right side. Pull the threads for the simple smock.


Sew the gauge band to the side seams before hemming the side seams and gauge 3-6 rows based on the gauge band.


Sewing the apron

Hem the side seams with the machine or by hand depending on fabric and preference. Reinforce the waistband With the fusible waistband interfacing. Sew the hook and eye or button and buttonhole closure to the waistband. Sew the 2.5- 2.8 In long moire band to the waistband or tie the waistband With fabric ties. Hem the length as fitted.


Apron Ties


The apron waistband can be continued with fabric ties. Attach very wide ties a couple of centimetres away from the end of the waistband. For fuller figures, shorten the waistband about 5 cm before the centre back and add the fabric ties so that there is enough room for the knot and the  waistband ends will be covered by the bow ties. The ties should not be attached anywhere in between . The length of the ties should be around two thirds of the skirt length. The tie ends can be finished in a variety of styles.

Product: Schnittmuster DOB Hemdblusenkleider
Schnittmuster DOB Hemdblusenkleider
The pattern shirt blouse dresses contains two dresses in sizes 36 to 46.

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