Product: Download M. Müller & Sohn - Pattern Making - Women - Wedding Dresses 4
Download M. Müller & Sohn - Pattern Making - Women - Wedding Dresses 4
In this e-dossier, you will find the instruction on pattern construction for tree bridal gowns.

Stand-up Lapel Collar Pattern Construction

Stehende Reverskragen auf dem Laufsteg
Inspiration Runway: Stand-up Lapel Collar at Temperley, Chakra and Tom Ford.

This interesting collar variant is the combination of the cut for a stand-up collar and the simple lapel collar. The collar cut is constructed in the neck like a stand-up collar, so the break edge only begins in the front. This particularly refined collar lends each jacket an extravagant chic.

Pattern Construction Stand-up Lapel Collar

We will show you these and many other collar construtions in the reference book Metric Patternmaking for Dresses and Blouses.

PDF Download: Download M. Müller & Sohn - Book - Women - Metric Pattern Making - Dresses and Blouses
116,80 €




Abgebildet ist die Zeichnung eines kombinierten Revers- und Stehkragens inkluisve Schnittkonstruktion.


  • Mark the overlap for the buttonstand and the positions for the buttonholes. Mark the lapel break. Lower the neckline 1 cm at the shoulder. Measure 1.5 cm from the lowered shoulder point to the left and draw the lapel break. Mark the lapel Width according to the illustration. Extend the lapel break upwards. Transfer the length of the back neckline from the lowered neck point to the lapel break line. Draw a circular arc with pivot point P and measure 4 — 5 cm for the collar roll. Draw the collar line to the lowered neck point at the shoulder. Draw the square seam line to the lapel and draw the lapel shape as shown or as preferred. Draw the centre back perpendicular to the collar line. Lower the back neckline according to the front.
Pattern dress and jumpsuit

The pattern sheet contains a dress for the civil wedding and a one-piece suit in sizes 36-46.

22,00 €
28,00 €

Further instructions for pattern construction and finished sewing patterns with blazers and jackets can be found in our online shop.

Product: M. Müller & Sohn Magazine 05.2020
M. Müller & Sohn Magazine 05.2020
Yoga Suits /// Grading T-Shirt /// Bucket Hat /// Blouse with Puffed Sleeve

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