Processing Ruffles and Ribbon Trims
In this e-dossier you will find sewing instructions for twelve different fabric ribbons trims and ruffles.15,80 €
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Ruffles are fabric trimmings that are pleated by pulling, folding or ironing straight strip of cuts of fabric – in contrast to the round cut strip of a flounce. Ruffles and ribbon trims are applied to blouses, dirndls, evening and wedding gowns for decoration. In this e-dossier you will find sewing instructions for twelve different types of trims.
- Ruched Ribbon Trim
- Smocked Ribbon Trim
- Fluted Ribbon Trim / Heart Ribbon Trim
- Triangle folded Ribbon Trim
- Scallop Shell Ribbon Trim
- Rose Ribbon Trim / Frogmouth /Flower ribbon trim
- Rosemary Ribbon Trim
- Double Wave Ribbon Trim
- Stairway Ribbon Trim ”Hexentreppe”
- Zigzag Ribbon Trims
- Ruffled Ribbon
Format: DIN A4
Page Count: 3 Pages
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