{"id":3524,"date":"2023-01-02T08:00:09","date_gmt":"2023-01-02T07:00:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.muellerundsohn.com\/en\/?p=3524"},"modified":"2022-12-14T11:52:47","modified_gmt":"2022-12-14T10:52:47","slug":"basic-biock-dress-pattern","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.muellerundsohn.com\/en\/allgemein\/basic-biock-dress-pattern\/","title":{"rendered":"Basic BIock – Dress Pattern"},"content":{"rendered":"
Desi<\/span>gn pattens<\/strong> for the apparel <\/span>ind<\/span>ustry or for tail<\/span>oring studi<\/span>os are al<\/span>ways devel<\/span>oped from basi<\/span>c bl<\/span>ocks. The basi<\/span>c bl<\/span>ock i<\/span>s the found<\/span>ation for the d<\/span>esi<\/span>gn and <\/span>includ<\/span>es the necessary all<\/span>owances for movement and <\/span>comfort (<\/span>wearing ease) but not the fashi<\/span>onabl<\/span>e d<\/span>etail<\/span>s yet This chapter shows several <\/span>basi<\/span>c bl<\/span>ocks.\u00a0Various forms of basic pattern constructions for dresses and blouses can be found in the book Metric Patternmaking for Dresses & Blouses<\/strong><\/a>.\u00a0<\/strong><\/em>In the following article, we will show a sample of the construction of a basic dress block, the construction of the pattern for a basic dress. With this tutorial you can create a custom pattern for a dress or with the help of the Measurement Charts<\/strong><\/em><\/a> a ready-made pattern. You can find instructions on how to take measurements of the body for a bespoke dress in the article Taking Measurements<\/strong><\/em><\/a>.\u00a0 Later on, you can use this pattern to create a variety of dress shapes.<\/p>\n The d<\/span>evel<\/span>opment of the first basi<\/span>c dress bl<\/span>ock i<\/span>s shown in several <\/span>steps. We use a measurement chart wi<\/span>th body measurements taken at the client as weil <\/span>as cal<\/span>culated measurements. The cal<\/span>culation formulas can be found <\/span>on page 17. <\/span>You can id<\/span>entify a measurement chart based on body measurements at the measurements of the bust d<\/span>epth 1 <\/span>and <\/span>the front l<\/span>ength 1<\/span>,\u00a0<\/span>which can be only taken di<\/span>rectl<\/span>y at the bod<\/span>y. Keep the same order of the measurements i<\/span>n all <\/span>your cal<\/span>culations. Al<\/span>ways verify the measurements and\u00a0<\/span>the i<\/span>nclud<\/span>ed <\/span>ease as shown here si<\/span>nce consi<\/span>stency makes pattern drafting so much easi<\/span>er.<\/p>\nBasic Dress Block<\/h2>\n